Friday, August 12, 2011


WOW!! I can tell that I went back to work after Kathryn hit 5 months old since the last post was at 4 Months old! So much growing up and change has happened in the Life of the Lands since our last post! Lets see...

1. Kathryn's first Christmas
2. Kathryn's first Birthday
3. Adam matched into Orthopedic Surgery Residency in Akron, Ohio

4. Adam graduated from Medical School

5. We moved to Akron, Ohio
6. I became a stay at home mom for the year

7. Kathryn of course is walking, talking, laughing, and growing each and every day!

8. Kathryn enjoys playing with Walker, swimming, swinging, sliding, dolls, blocks, watching Baby Einsten or Veggie Tales, singing any song, going to story time at the Christian Book Store and Barnes and Noble, and going to parks to play!And so... I will now try to do a better job of updating the blog again! Love to all!